Christkindlmarkt Am Rathaus (Christmas market in Rathaus, the City Hall of Vienna) |
ENG// Vienna is like a dream! Take a look on this spectacular Viennese Christmas Market in front of the City Hall (
Rathaus) with sparkling Christmas decorations, charming market stalls which offer traditional handcrafted goods, sweets & treats, various Christmas gifts, hot wine and culinary delights.
This is the third part of Vienna's travelogue (if you missed the first and second, you can find them
here and
here). I am preparing two more in the next few days. So, stay tuned folks :-*
SRB// Beč je zaista bajkovit grad i to posebno u ovo doba godine kada se na svakom koraku oseća Božićni duh. Upravo u okviru ovog posta, najveći deo fotografija je nastao na spektakularnom Božićnom trgu ispred velelepne Gradske Skupštine:
Uživala sam u veseloj atmosferi praćenoj mirisima i ukusima bečkih kulinarskih đakonija, kolača i poslastica, kuvanog vina i sl. Takođe, na maštovito ukrašenim tezgama našli su se raznorazni ručno pravljeni umetnički predmeti, među kojima su mi posebno zapale za oko ukrasne kugle za jelku.
Uživajte u fotografijama trećeg od ukupno planiranih pet postova iz Beča, a ukoliko ste možda propustili prvi i drugi deo putopisa, jednostavno kliknite
ovde i
Želim vam uspešnu i zabavnu radnu nedelju :-*
Christkindlmarkt Am Rathaus (Christmas market in Rathaus, the City Hall of Vienna) |
Christkindlmarkt Am Rathaus (Christmas market in Rathaus, the City Hall of Vienna) |
Sacher torte |
Burg Theatre |
Vienna Parlament |
Rathaus Park |
Burg Theatre |
Mariahilferstrasse (Mariahilfer Street) |
Rathaus Park |
Outfit Info: Camel Coat:
Promod / Boots: Cinti / Bag: Chanel / Beret and gloves: Morgan de toi
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