Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Black & White Chic

As we all know, black&white outfit is classic, and has never gone out of fashion. Black&white combinations give us an instant elegance and lady look, making us always to come back. Clothes in these tones fit equally to all generations and fashion styles, and what is also important, fit any figure. In this post, I`ll show you my black&white outfit of this September. I have chosen the clothes that I bought on the French Riviera this summer, and primarily from French brands, which always contain a dose of Parisian chic so romanticaly elegant. Also, it is a style that I prefer, and gladly wear in different occasions.
The brand of the skirt is See U soon and the skirt is with very interesting black&white print paired with a white jacket from eco leather,that include not typical trendy mix heavier (little bit grunge) material and elegant lady design, with bow on the upper right side. Black shoes are classically elegant, without too many details with a small hidden platform by Austrian brand Hogl (known for its comfort and modern design). White bag is made of soft leather by Italian brand Guess. I hope you like my styling :) What is your black&white chic style?

Kao što svi već znamo, crno-bela odevna kombinacija je klasik, koji nikada neće izaći iz mode. Crno u kombinaciji sa belim daje nam instant eleganciju i damski stil, kome se uvek iznova vraćamo. Odeća u ovim tonovima odgovara podjednako svim generacijama i modnim stilovima i što je bitno naglasiti, laska svakoj figuri. U ovom postu, pokazaću vam moju septembarsku crno-belu kombinaciju. Odlučila sam se za krpice kupljene ovog leta na Francuskoj rivijeri i samim tim, reč je o prvenstveno francuskim brendovima, koji uvek sadrže dozu pariskog šika, tako romantično elegantnog. Ujedno, to je stil koji preferiram i slične kombinacije rado nosim u različitim prilikama.
Suknjica je marke See U soon, sa vrlo interesantnim crno-belim printom i uparena je sa belim sakoom-jaknicom od eko kože, marke Morgan, koja čini netipičan trendi spoj grubljeg (pomalo "grunge") materijala i elegantnog damskog kroja, sa sve mašnom sa gornje desne strane. Cipele su crne boje, klasično elegantne, bez suvišnih detalja, sa malom skrivenom platformom, austrijske marke Hogl (poznate po udobnosti i modernom dizajnu). Torba je bela i od mekane kože, italijanske marke Guess. Nadam se da vam se moja kombinacija sviđa :) Koji je vaš omiljeni crno-beli šik stil?

My look:
Jacket: Morgan de toi
Skirt: See U soon
Top: DDP
Bag: Guess (Guess luxe)
Ring: Swarovski
Watch: Tissot


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