Monday 23 February 2015

Color Block

Hello sweet readers! February sunny weather has brought a breath of spring  in Belgrade. I love the warmth and the sunshine, so this was a perfect day for a walk by the river. I am a bit tired of the dark winter colors, so this time I opted for bright shades of red and  navy blue in addition to the inevitable black. This "color block" outfit includes red oversized coat, black skinny "like a leather" pants, under the knee black boots, navy soft pullover with detail of silk and lace on neckline and the main asset of this outfit navy LV Capucines bag. What do you think about this outfit? What would you dress when you are surprised by a sunny winter day?
Thanks a lot for reading!

Pozdrav, dragi moji čitaoci! Sunčano februarsko vreme unelo je dah proleća u Beograd. Obožavam toplotu i svetlost, tako da je ovo bio savršen dan za šetnju pored reke. Pomalo sam se umorila od tamnih zimskih boja, pa sam ovog puta izabrala jarke nijanse crvene i navy plave uz dodatak nezaobilazne crne. Možete primetiti pomalo predimenzioirani crveni kaput, uske rastegljive pantalone od materijala koji podseća na kožu, crne ravne čizme preko kolena, navy meki džemperić sa detaljem od svilene čipke na dekolteu i kao glavni adut ove kombinacije navy LV Capucines torbu. Kako vam se sviđa moj izbor? Šta vi oblačite kada vas iznenadi sunčani zimski dan?
Hvala vam puno na podršci!

PS. If you still don't  follow me on the GFC, Bloglovin, Instagram and Lookbook, is the right time to do it :) I follow you back as soon as possible.

My outfit:
Coat: Koton
Bag NEW: Louis Vuitton capucines
Boots: Zara
Pullover NEW: Sud Express
Pants NEW: Sud Express
Scarf: Sisley
Sunglasses: Armani
Jewelry: vintage

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Insta Diary

Laduree and FiniFini macaroons

 Hi lovelies!Yesterday, I played making cute collages of recent photos, mostly on my Instagram profile (click here for more). A lot of  inspiring things are here: yummy and beautiful macaroons and culinary specialties from my Paris trip, Parisian magnifique architecture and decorative fashion windows and some favorites of my clothes and accessories (list of brands are below photos).
Enjoy in these colorful collages!
Stay tuned,
Kisses from Ivana
Ćao dragi moji! Juče sam se malo igrala, praveći kolaže od nedavnih fotografija, koje su većinom i na mom Instagram profilu (klikni ovde za više fotki). Trudila sam se da vam prikažem puno inspirativnih stvarčica, poput ukusnih i prelepih makaronsa, kao i drugih kulinarskih đakonija (koje sam probala u Parizu), zatim parisku zadivljujuću arhitekturu i dekorativne modne izloge, kao i ponešto favorita od moje odeće i modnih dodataka (lista brendova je ispod fotografija).
Uživajte u ovim šarenim kolažima!
Do sledećeg posta,
Šaljem vam poljupce,


PrintempsSephoraMac cosmeticsGaleries Lafayette



Parisian food

Zara dress, Promod shoes, Yamamay underwear, Guerlain Shalimar perfume

Cinti boots, Chanel bag, Mac cosmetics lipstick, Nafnaf dress
Ps. If by chance you have not seen my posts from Paris click on:


Monday 9 February 2015

Little Black Dress

Hello lovely people! In this post I wore black velvet dress with sleeves and side parts made of lace. This cut of dress makes a perfect figure, and also is comfortable and ideal for special occasions. With this little black dress (LBD) paired my shoes with a low platform, the classic Chanel purse with gold chain and a long gold-plated Swarovski earrings with a lot of small crystals. Do you like to wear a black dresses and what are your favorite model of them? Until the next outfit, I send you a lot of kisses :-*
Pozdrav dragi moji! U ovom postu, možete videti da sam obukla crnu, plišanu haljinu sa rukavima i delovima od čipke. Ovakav kroj haljine je prosto savršen, laska figuri, a ujedno je udoban i idealan za sve svečane prilike. Uz haljinu sam obula cipele sa malom platformom, ponela klasičnu Chanel tašnicu sa dugačkim zlatnim lancem i stavila efektne Swarovski zlatne minđuše sa puno sitnih kristala. Da li i vi rado oblačite crne haljine i koji model od njih vam je favorit? Do sledeće modne priče, šaljem vam puno poljubaca :-*

My Look:
Dress: Marks&Spencer
Shoes: Hoegl
Bag: Chanel
Earrings: Swarovski

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