weekend trip is my favourite way to charge the batteries and get inspired. This time, I didn't go far from Belgrade and visited cute little town:
Smederevo is a very charming town and a very intagrammable spot, you'll agree. I walked over to the beautiful Smederevo Fortress, the historic core of this town. Then, I had a cup of coffee in the main Smederevo square, near the magnificent Church of Saint George.
For every weekend trip, I pick casual chic outfits like this one: simple black & white combo with light grey jeans, biker jacket and oxford shoes. You'll notice this fabulous black & white blouse that looks like two separate items. But, this is exactly super chic 2 in 1 blouse in mix of two fabrics and prints.
The most attractive spring prints for years are polka dots & stripes, so I was pleasantly surprised when I bought one blouse that includes the both of these prints and made super attractive combo with it. Also, black leather bag with trendy print and contrasting pink handles spiced up the complete look.
Do you also like to wear stripes & dots and how do you combine them?
Hope you like my photos from Smederevo!
Thanks a lot for reading and for all your lovely comments <3
Uvek kada sam u mogućnosti volim da otputujem negde za vikend. To ne mora obavezno biti inostranstvo. Srbija je zemlja veličanstvenih prirodnih pejzaža i uvek mi je drago da u njoj otkrijem nešto novo i interesantno.
Ovog puta, nisam otišla daleko od Beograda i jedan fantastičan predprolećni dan provela sam u obilasku šarmantnog Smedereva.
Uživala sam u šetnji Smederevskom tvrđavom, istorijskim jezgrom ovog grada sa veličanstvenim pogledom na Dunav. Pauzu sam napravila na glavnom gradskom trgu ispijajući espresso u bašti jednog od mnogobrojnih kafića, u blizini impozantne crkve Svetog Đorđa.
Za svako jednodnevno putovanje trudim se da izaberem, pre svega, udobnu, ali i šik odevnu kombinaciju. Tako je bilo i ovog puta. Uz svetlo sive farmerke i crnu bajkerku obula sam udobne oxford cipele, a od detalja tu su obavezne sunčane naočare i kožna torba sa više nego atraktivnim printom i kontrasnim pink ručkama.
Kao komad koji ''nosi'' outfit, izdvojila bih ovu fantastičnu 2 u 1 crno-belu bluzu. Ona zapravo izgleda poput dva odevna komada, s obzirom na miks dva različita materijala i dva različita dezena: pruge i tufne. Upravo me je tom svojom originalnošću i oduševila, a pritom pruge i tufne su ultimativni trend svakog, pa i ovog proleća.
Da li i vi volite da nosite pruge i tufnice i kako ih kombinujete?
Nadam se da ćete uživati u fotografijama koje slede. Ukoliko ste i vi obišli Smederevo, prenesite mi svoje utiske.
Hvala vam unapred na svim komentarima i sugestijama. <3
Smederevo Fortress / Black & White Outfit Idea |
Biker Jacket: Zara // Jeans: Sfera // Blouse: Motivi // Oxford Shoes: Primo Valore // Sunglasses: Armani // Bag: Barbara Rihl /
Spring Prints: Dots & Stripes |
How to Wear Spring Prints: Dots & Stripes |
Smederevo Fortress |
Smederevo Fortress |
Smederevo Fortress |
Biker Jacket |
How to Wear Biker Jacket |
Smederevo Fortress |
Danube View / Smederevo |
Railroad in Smederevo |
The Museum in Smederevo |
Smederevo City Centre / Church of Saint George in Smederevo |
Smederevo City Centre |
Church of Saint George in Smederevo |
Wine Barrel in Smederevo |
Greetings from Smederevo / Serbia <3