Hi Guys! I really enjoy fall days like this. Sunny and warm weather in October is not typical but enjoyable so much. I have spent pleasant few hours in amazing Belgrade's Botanical Garden "Jevremovac". It is colorful and peaceful place, perfect for walking and photoshooting. It was founded 1874 by the Ministry of the Kingdom of Serbia, at the proposal of Josif Pancic, who was it's first manager. In 1889, King Milan Obrenovic donated the estate Great School in Belgrade Botanical Garden (which he inherited from his grandfather Jevrem), but on the condition that his name was "Jevremovac". In this place and under the same name is today. This place covers an area about 5 acres and includes more than 350 species of trees, shrubs, a lot of different plants, domestic and from all over the world. The parts of this place are outdoor space, greenhouse and the offices of the Institute of Botany. My favorite part is a Japanese garden with a romantic wooden bridge, small stream and beautiful flowers. For this paradise, I have chosen outfit in green and white tones which include fluffy silk skirt ("Zara"), thin white sweater ("Mango") and dark green bag ("Gran de Malice") and shoes with small platform and "Swarovski" elements ("Hogl"). And of course combined with a couple of accessories ("Swarovski" bracelets, silver long earrings and sunglasses "Armani"). I think it's comfy and elegant in the same time and the colors are in harmony with nature. Links of brands are at the bottom of this post.
So, enjoy!
So, enjoy!
Prosto uživam u jesenjim danima poput ovog. Sunčano je i toplo, ne tipično za oktobar, ali tako prijatno. Provela sam par prijatnih sati u zadivljujuće lepoj Botaničkoj bašti "Jevremovac" u Beogradu. Reč je o živopisnom i umirujućem mestu, savršenom za šetnju i slikanje. Osnovana je 1874. odlukom Ministarstva prosvete Kraljevine Srbije, na predlog Josifa Pančića, koji je bio i njen prvi upravnik. Kralj Milan Obrenović je 1889. poklonio imanje (koje je nasledio od svog dede Jevrema) Velikoj školi u Beogradu za Botaničku baštu, ali pod uslovom da se zove "Jevremovac". Na tom mestu i pod tim imenom nalazi se i dan danas. Botanička bašta se prostire na površini od oko 5 hektara na kome se nalazi preko 350 vrsta drveća i žbunja, puno različitih biljaka, kako domaćih, tako i iz celog sveta. Delovi bašte obuhvataju otvorene površine, staklenu baštu i prostorije Instituta za botaniku. Moj omiljeni deo je japanski vrt sa romantičnim drvenim mostićem, malenim potokom i divnim cvećem. Za obilazak ovog komadića raja, odlučila sam se za outfit u zelenim i belim nijansama koji uključuje lepršavu svilenu suknjicu ("Zara"), tanji beli džemperak ("Mango") , tamno zelenu torbu ("Gran de Malice") i cipele sa malom platformom i "Swarovski" detaljima ("Hogl"). I naravno sve je uklopljeno sa par detalja ("Swarovski" narukvice, srebrne viseće minđuše i naočare "Armani"). Mislim da je reč o udobnoj, a u isto vreme, elegantnoj kombinaciji u bojama koje su u harmoniji s prirodom. Linkovi brendova nalaze se u dnu ovog posta.

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My dear sister and photographer Marina; Check out her blog about delicious food recipes: savrseno a lako |
My look:
Sweater: Mango
Skirt: Zara
Shoes: Hogl with Swarovski elements
Bag: Gran de Malice
Bracelets: Swarovski
Sunglasses: Armani
nice look, the skirt is beautiful !!!
Thank you :) xoxo
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