Monday, 12 December 2016

VIENNA Photo Diary #5: Hundertwasser House

Hundertwasserhaus (Hundertwasser House)
ENG// Today's post is the last of the Vienna travelogue. Hope you'll like it, such as previous four (firstsecondthird and fourth).
I am pleased to present the Hundertwasser House, one of Viennas most visited sight. It is a residential house made by the ideas of F. HundertwasserHis architecture style is very unusual and interesting. He propagated for architecture without any standards, specifications and straight lines.  One of his first and most important projects was this apartment house, which was built on the behalf of the City of Vienna on the corner of Löwengasse and Kegelgasse streets
If you are a fan of exceptional architecture and if you like buildings in Gaudi style, you should not miss to see this amazing building.
Have a lovely evening folks,
xx Ivana

SRB// Današnji post je poslednji iz serije putopisa iz Beča. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti poput prethodnih četiri (koje možete naći: ovdeovdeovde i ovde).
Zadovoljstvo mi je da vam predstavim Hundertwasser kuću-zgradu, sve popularniju znamenitost Beča. Reč je o unikatnoj stambenoj zgradi, nastaloj po idejama F. Hundertvasera, čiji je arhitektonski stil veoma neobičan i zanimljiv. Zalagao se za slobodan stil u arhitekturi, lišen svih standarda, specifikacija i pravih linija. Jedan od njegovih prvih i najvažnijih projekata je upravo ova zgrada, koja se nalazi na uglu ulica Löwengasse i Kegelgasse. 
Ako ste ljubitelj izuzetne i neuobičajene arhitekture i vašu pažnju bude zgrade u stilu čuvenog Gaudija, ne bi trebalo da propustite da vidite ovu neverovatnu zgradu ukoliko vas put navede u predivni Beč. 
Do sledeće blog priče,
Ljubim vas puno,

Hundertwasserhaus (Hundertwasser House)

Hundertwasserhaus (Hundertwasser House)

Outfit Info: Camel Coat: Promod / Boots: Cinti / Bag: Chanel / Leather Skirt: Promod / Sweater: Benetton / Beret and Gloves: Morgan de toi

Flower market

Mozart Kugeln: famous chocolates with marzipan and pistachios

Traditional apple strudel


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