Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Yellow Cold Shoulder Top

Cold shoulder trend is definitely one of my favourites for this long hot summer. My current favourite is in pastel yellow tone with romantic lace details. It is flutter and short blouse model, made of cotton, very comfortable and cute at the same time.
These kind of  cold shoulder tops looks great with wide leg striped pants for e.g. or with various kind of skirts. This time, I paired it with simple white skirt, gladiator sandals and colorful straw bag.

You've already noticed that I emphasize to say words like: flutter and comfy. This is because I can't stand to wear something that constrain and limit me in this hot weather. So, we need to adapt to this fact but not at the expense of good look. We can wear clothes that are comfy and natural, but also attractive, modern and sexy. Cold shoulder trend is the right example of this.

Hope you like this theme! Thanks for stopping by!


Cold Shoulder Top by Zaful (this top is unfortunately sold out, but you can find similar models here)

Cold Shoulder Top for Hot Summer

Trend otvorenih ramena se definitivno nalazi među mojim omiljenima tokom ovog dugog i vrelog leta.

Moj trenutni favorit u ovoj kategoriji jeste kratak top u pastelno žutoj nijansi, sa romantičnim detaljima od prirodne čipke. Posebno mi se dopada što je izrađen od pamučnog materijala i što je lepršav pa samim tim i veoma udoban.

Ovakvi topići izgledaju veoma atraktivno uz npr. široke pantalone visokog struka, ali i uz razne modele suknjica. Ovog puta nosim ga uz jednostavnu belu suknju, gladiatorke i šarenu mini prućanu torbu.

Verovatno ste već primetili da često u zadnje vreme naglašavam reči poput: udobno i lepršavo, a to je jednostavno zato što po visokim temperaturama ne mogu da zamislim da me bilo šta steže i ograničava. Pretoplo je i odeću treba tome i prilagoditi.
Naravno, to ne znači da morate otići u drugu krajnost i izabrati nešto poput vreće samo zato što je udobno. Baš naprotiv, trendovi poput otvorenih ramena, omogućavaju nam da izgledamo slatko, romantično ili sexy uz minimum napora.

Do sledećeg posta budite mi pozdravljeni i slobodno ostavite svoj komentar na ovu temu :-)

Simple & Cute

Comfy & Attractive

Yellow Cold Shoulder


 Cold Shoulder Top (sold out, but similar here)  // Skirt: Zara // Gladiator Sandals: Rosegal // Straw Bag (sold out, but similar here) // Sunnies: Armani // Bracelets: Nakit: Savršeni san

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