Monday, 12 March 2018

What to Wear in the Snow

Snowy outfit on the blog although in Belgrade today is a springtime :)

A little more than a week ago we were thrilled by the long-awaited snow. I used a beautiful snow day to walk and make these lovely photos. I hope you enjoy watching the Belgrade's most beautiful park: Kalemegdan covered with pearly white snow.

What to wear when it's cold! I often hear the conclusion that it's complicated to look chic when the temperatures are in the minus. However, it is not at all so difficult at first glance. The key is in the details that will give this desired chic effect. I offer you a sweet outfit idea.

Even when it's very cold I prefer more often coat than jacket, because coat somehow agree with my style, but that doesn't mean that I will choose to freeze myself :) I always choose a coat with a large percentage of wool in its composition and therefore for this reason this gray woolen coat (with a detail from a woolen lace in a light beige shade) is one of the most common choices. I paired it with slim jeans, black boots and gray mini bag.

I made the outfit more attractive with a woollen set of beret and gloves in a chic leopard print, cat-eye sunnies and soft faux fur scarf.

Snow and good mood are the main ingredients of all photos.

And in the next blog post we're going to always inspirational fashion spring.
Flowers, stripes, polka dots and co. we look forward to you :)


Danas na blogu vidite jedan snežni editorijal fotografija, iako su u Beogradu već nastupile prave prolećne temperature :)

Pre nešto više od nedelju dana iznenadio nas je dugo očekivani sneg, tako da prosto nisam mogla odoleti da ne prošetam Kalemegdanom i uslikam jedan jednostavan i atraktivan snežni outfit.

Često čujem konstataciju da je komplikovano izgledati šik kada su temperature u minusu. Međutim, nije uopšte tako teško kako se na prvi pogled čini. Ključ je u detaljima koji će dati taj željeni šik efekat.

Ja čak i kad je veoma hladno češće oblačim kapute nego parke, jer nekako više pristaju mom stilu, ali to nikako ne znači da ću izabrati da se smrzavam. :) Uvek biram kapute sa visokim procentom vune u svom sastavu i baš iz tog razloga ovaj sivi vuneni kaputić (sa detaljem od vunene čipke u svetlo bež nijansi) mi je jedan od najčešćih izbora. Uz njega sam ovog puta odabrala farmerke, crne, postavljene krznom, čizme i sivu mini torbu. 

Ali, detalji su upravo ono što će podići kombinaciju na jedan viši nivo na lestvici stila, tako da sam se odlučila za upadljiv vuneni komplet sastavljen od beretke i rukavica u leopard printu, za naočare sa trendi mačkastim okvirima i za svetlo bež šal od mekanog veštačkog krzna.

Sneg uvek probudi dete u meni tako da su sve fotke vesele i spontane. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

A, u sledećem blog postu prelazimo na uvek inspirativno proleće kada je o modi reč. Cvetići, pruge, tufnice i co. radujemo vam se :)


Coat & Jeans: Naf Naf / Gloves & Beret: Morgan de toi / Scarf: Promod / Sunglasses: Rosegal / Boots: Ecco / Bag: Zaful


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